
n/a, which uses lowercase letters, is a common abbreviation for not applicable[1] or not available, used to indicate when information in a certain field on a table is not provided, either because it does not apply to a particular case in question or because it is not available. A slash is used to indicate the abbreviation of lowercase words.

NA is an initialism which carries the same latter meaning. A slash is not used in an initialism or acronym. However, the derivative form N/A is in common use.

N/A may also refer to Neurotics Anonymous, predecessor of Emotions Anonymous, which uses N/A to distinguish itself from Narcotics Anonymous (NA)[2]


  1. ^ "n/a". Oxford Dictionary of Abbreviations. Oxford University Press. 1998. http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?entry=t25.e13111. Retrieved 2010-11-14.  Available online to subscribers and also in print
  2. ^ Roehe, Marcelo V. (September/December 2004). "Religious Experience in Self-Help Groups: the neurotics anonymous example" (in Portuguese). Psicologia em Estudo 9 (3): 399–407. doi:10.1590/S1413-73722004000300008.